You may limit the maximum number of image upload using API related to the file upload provided by Synap Editor.

var editorId = 'synapEditor';
var editorConfig = {};
var html = '';
var editor = new SynapEditor(editorId, editorConfig, html);

editor.setEventListener('afterUploadImage', function (e) {
	var fileType = e.fileType;
	var uploadPath = e.path;
	e.editor.addUploadPath(fileType, uploadPath); // You must use this to check the file uploaded through editor.getUploadedFiles()

editor.setEventListener('beforeUploadImage', function (e) {
	var fileType = e.fileType;
	var uploadCount = e.uploadCount; //Number of files being uploaded (the number of files to be uploaded whose upload is not completed yet)
	var imageCount = 0;
	e.editor.getUploadedFiles(fileType).forEach(function (info) {
		if (!info.isDeleted) {
			imageCount++; // Count the number of images not deleted
	if (imageCount + uploadCount >= 5) { // Allow up to 5 uploads
		e.returnValue = false; // Cancel the upload by returning false through returnValue
		alert('Five images can be uploaded at most');

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