This event occurs before a video is uploaded.. This event can be cancelled.

Adding Event: Using API

var editorId = 'synapEditor';
var editorConfig = {};
var html = '';
var editor = new SynapEditor(editorId, editorConfig, html);

editor.setEventListener('beforeUploadVideo', function (e) {

Adding Event: Function

var editorId = 'synapEditor';
var editorConfig = {};
var html = '';

function SynapEditorBeforeUploadVideo(e) {

new SynapEditor(editorId, editorConfig, html);

Adding Event: When the Editor is initialized

var editorId = 'synapEditor';
var editorConfig = {};
var html = '';
var eventListeners = {
    beforeUploadVideo: function (e) {

new SynapEditor(editorId, editorConfig, html, eventListeners);

Object Delivered through Functions

In the form of parameter e delivered through functions

// release 2.2.0
	editor: SynapEditor,
	eventType:  'beforeUploadVideo',
	cancelable: true,
	returnValue: null,
	fileName: 'filename.mp4' // Name of the file to upload.
// release 2.2.1 or above
	editor: SynapEditor,
	eventType:  'beforeUploadVideo',
	cancelable: true,
	returnValue: null,
	fileType: 'video', // [2.2.1] File type
	fileName: 'filename.mp4',
	uploadCount: 0 // [2.2.1] Number of files being uploaded (the number of files to be uploaded whose upload is not completed yet)