1. Installing JSON Encoder

Download : JSON.phps

2. Uploading Image (Same for Uploading Videos and Files)

Among the following codes provided as the guide, file upload part is a sample code and has insufficient security.

As for the file upload, please use the code used within your project and refer the following code to handle the system link.

    //Upload directory
    $uploadDir = 'uploads/images';

    //Name of the form data
    $fieldName = 'file';

    //File name
    $fileName = explode('.', $_FILES[$fieldName]['name']);

    //Filename extension
    $extension = end($fileName);

    //Temporary file name
    $tmpName = $_FILES[$fieldName]['tmp_name'];

    //File name for the new save
    $newFileName = sha1(microtime());

    //Actual file upload path
    $fileUploadPath = "${uploadDir}/${newFileName}.${extension}";

    //Save the file
    move_uploaded_file($tmpName, $fileUploadPath);

	// Include JSON Encoder.

    //Send the response to the client.
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode_new(array(
        'uploadPath' => $fileUploadPath,

	function json_encode_new($data) {
		$json = new Services_JSON();

3. Importing HWP, MS Word or Excel Document

Among the following codes provided as the guide, file upload part is a sample code and has insufficient security.

As for the file upload, please use the code used within your project and refer the following code to handle the system link.

    // Upload directory
    $uploadDir = 'uploads/docs';

    // Name of the form data
    $fieldName = 'file';

    // File name
    $fileName = explode('.', $_FILES[$fieldName]['name']);

    //Filename extension
    $extension = end($fileName);

    // Temporary file name
    $tmpName = $_FILES[$fieldName]['tmp_name'];

    // File name for the new save
    $newFileName = sha1(microtime());

    // Actual file upload path
    $fileUploadPath = "${uploadDir}/${newFileName}.${extension}";

    // Save the file
    move_uploaded_file($tmpName, $fileUploadPath);

    // Directory name to save conversion result
    $wordDir = 'works';

    // Execute conversion
    $importPath = "${wordDir}/${newFileName}";
    executeConverter($fileUploadPath, $importPath);

    // Serialize document data
	// Since v2.3.0, the file name is changed from document.word.pb to document.pb
    $pbFilePath = "${importPath}/document.pb";
    $serializedData = readPBData($pbFilePath);


    // Send the response to the client.
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode_new(array(
        'serializedData' => $serializedData,
        'importPath' => $importPath,

	function executeConverter($inputFilePath, $outputFilePath)
    	$sedocConverterPath = 'c:/sedocConverter/sedocConverter.exe';
	    $fontsDir = 'c:/sedocConverter/fonts';
	    $tempDir = 'c:/sedocConverter/tmp';

	    $cmd = "${sedocConverterPath} -f ${fontsDir} ${inputFilePath} ${outputFilePath} ${tempDir}";

	function readPBData($pbFilePath)
		$filesize = filesize($pbFilePath);
		$zd = gzopen($pbFilePath, "r");
		$data = substr( gzread($zd, $filesize), 16 );

	    $byteArray = unpack('C*', gzuncompress($data));
	    $serializedData = array_values($byteArray);

	    return $serializedData;

	function json_encode_new($data) {
		$json = new Service_JSON();

See also