1. 다운로드

2. 사전준비

  1. 사이냅에디터 워드프레스 플러그인을 다운로드 합니다.
  2. 사이냅에디터 파일을 준비합니다.
    • synapeditor.min.js (필수)
    • synapeditor.min.css (필수)
    • license.json (필수)
    • synapeditor.config.js (선택)
    • sedocConverter (선택)
  3. 압축을 풀고 파일들(synapeditor.min.js, synapeditor.min.css, synapeditor.config.js)을 resource폴더에 넣어줍니다.
  4. 실행파일(sedocConverter)이 있는 경우 resource/sedocConverter폴더에 넣어줍니다.

3. 적용하기

  1. 라이센스 파일(license.json)을 resource폴더에 넣어줍니다.
  2. resource/synapeditor.config.js 파일을 수정 합니다. 아래 항목은 워드프레스 플러그인 적용시 필수 수정 항목입니다.

    var synapEditorConfig = {
      "editor.license": "http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/synapeditor/resource/license.json",
      "editor.import.api": "admin-ajax.php",
      "editor.import.param": {"action": "import_doc"},
      "editor.upload.image.api": "admin-ajax.php",
      "editor.upload.image.param": {"action": "upload_file"},
      "editor.upload.video.api": "admin-ajax.php",
      "editor.upload.video.param": {"action": "upload_file"},
      "editor.upload.file.api": "admin-ajax.php",
      "editor.upload.file.param": {"action": "upload_file"},

  3. wordpress_plugin 폴더 전체를 복사하여 "\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\"에 넣어줍니다.

4. 소스코드

Plugin Name: synapeditor
Plugin URI: http://www.synapeditor.com
Description: Unlimited Rich Text Editor
Version: 0.1
Author: synapsoft
Author URI: http://www.synapsoft.co.kr
License: GPL 2

 * remove current editor
function wp_remove_editor() {
    remove_post_type_support( 'post', 'editor' );

 * add Synap Editor
function wp_add_synapeditor() {
    wp_enqueue_script('synapeditor', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'resource/synapeditor.js', array( 'jquery' ));
    wp_enqueue_script('synapeditorConfig', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'resource/synapeditor.config.js');
    wp_enqueue_style('synapeditor',  plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'resource/synapeditor.min.css');

    $post = get_post(get_the_ID());
    $content = apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content);

    echo "<textarea id=\"content\" name=\"content\" style=\"display: none;\">$content</textarea>" ;
    echo "<script>";
    echo "window.onload = function () {";
    echo "var html = document.getElementById('content').innerText;";
    echo "window.editor = new SynapEditor('content', synapEditorConfig, html);";
    echo "}";
    echo "</script>";
add_action('init' ,'wp_remove_editor');
add_action('edit_form_after_title', 'wp_add_synapeditor' );

 * upload file
function upload_file()
    $response = array();
    $uploaded_file = wp_handle_upload($_FILES['file'], array('test_form' => false));
    if ($uploaded_file && !isset( $uploaded_file['error'] )) {
        $response['uploadPath'] = parse_url($uploaded_file['url'])['path'];

    echo json_encode($response);
add_action( 'wp_ajax_upload_file', 'upload_file' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_upload_file', 'upload_file' );

 * import document
function import_doc()
    $response = array();
    $uploaded_file = wp_handle_upload($_FILES['file'], array('test_form' => false));
    if ($uploaded_file && !isset( $uploaded_file['error'] )) {
        $uploadDir = wp_upload_dir();
        $path_parts = pathinfo($uploaded_file['file']);
        $uploadFileName = $path_parts['filename'];

        // convert document
        $outputFilePath = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($uploadDir['path'], $uploadFileName));
        executeConverter($uploaded_file['file'], $outputFilePath);

        // serialized datas
		// v2.3.0 부터 파일명이 document.word.pb에서 document.pb로 변경됨
        $pbFilePath = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($outputFilePath, "document.pb"));
        $serializedData = readPBData($pbFilePath);
        $outputFileUrl = $uploadDir['url'] . "/{$uploadFileName}";
    } else {
        $outputFileUrl = $uploaded_file;
        $serializedData = !isset( $uploaded_file['error'] );

    echo json_encode(array(
        'serializedData' => $serializedData,
        'importPath' => $outputFileUrl

 * convertor document
function executeConverter($inputFilePath, $outputFilePath)
    $sedocConverterPath = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'resource\sedocConverter\sedocConverter.exe';
    $fontsDir = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'resource\sedocConverter\fonts';
    $tempDir = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'resource\sedocConverter\tmp';

    $cmd = "${sedocConverterPath} -f ${fontsDir} ${inputFilePath} ${outputFilePath} ${tempDir}";

 * serialized data
function readPBData($pbFilePath)
    $fb = fopen($pbFilePath, 'r');
    $data = stream_get_contents($fb, -1, 16);

    $byteArray = unpack('C*', zlib_decode($data));
    $serializedData = array_values($byteArray);

    return $serializedData;

add_action( 'wp_ajax_import_doc', 'import_doc' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_import_doc', 'import_doc' );

 * Admin page setting
function me_add_to_admin_menu() {
    add_menu_page( 'Synap Editor Configuration Page', 'Synap Editor Config',
        'manage_options', 'synap-editor-config', 'me_admin_menu' );

function me_admin_menu() {

function register_my_settings() {
    register_setting( 'synap-editor-conf', 'width' );
    register_setting( 'synap-editor-conf', 'height' );
    register_setting( 'synap-editor-conf', 'default_lang' );
    register_setting( 'synap-editor-conf', 'lang' );
    register_setting( 'synap-editor-conf', 'toolbar' );

if (is_admin()) {
    add_action('admin_menu', 'me_add_to_admin_menu');
    add_action('admin_init', 'register_my_settings');

 * Created by synapeditor.

if ( !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) )  {
    wp_die( __( 'You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.' ) );


<div class="wrap">
    <h1>Synap Editor Configuration</h1>

    <form method="post" action="options.php">
        <?php settings_fields( 'synap-editor-conf' ); ?>
        <?php do_settings_sections( 'synap-editor-conf' ); ?>
        <label for="width">에디터 너비</label>
        <input id="width" name="width" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( get_option('width') ); ?>"/>
        <label for="height">에디터 높이</label>
        <input id="height" name="height" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( get_option('height') ); ?>"/>

        <label for="default_lang">에디터 기본언어</label>
        <input id="default_lang" name="default_lang" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( get_option('default_lang') ); ?>"/>
        <label for="lang">에디터 언어</label>
        <input id="lang" name="lang" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( get_option('lang') ); ?>"/>
            <legend>에디터 툴바</legend>

                $options = get_option( 'toolbar' );
                $toolbars = [
                    ['bold', '굵게'], ['italic', '기울게'], ['underline', '밑줄'], ['strike', '취소선'],
                    ['superScript', '위첨자'], ['subScript', '아래첨자'], ['fontColor', '글자색'], ['fontBackgroundColor', '글자 배경색'],
                    ['align', '정렬'], ['copyRunStyle', '서식 복사'], ['pasteRunStyle', '서식 붙여넣기'], ['removeRunStyle', '서식 지우기'],
                    ['link', '링크'], ['image', '이미지'], ['backgroundImage', '배경이미지'], ['video', '비디오'],
                    ['file', '파일'], ['horizontalLine', '가로줄'], ['specialCharacter', '특수문자'], ['emoji', '이모지'],
                    ['insertDiv', '블럭 레이어'], ['bulletList', '글머리 기호'], ['numberedList', '글머리 번호'], ['multiList', '다단계 글머리']

                $idx = 0;
                foreach ($toolbars as $toolbar) {
                    echo "<input name='toolbar[$toolbar[0]]' type='checkbox' value='1'", checked( isset( $options[$toolbar[0]] ) ) ,"/> $toolbar[1] ";
                    if (++$idx % 4 == 0) {
                        echo "<br/>";

        <?php submit_button(); ?>
