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Table of Contents

1. 이미지, 동영상, 파일 업로드


가이드로 제공되는 아래 코드 중 파일 업로드 부분은 샘플 코드로서 보안 관련 처리가 미흡합니다.

파일 업로드 부분은 프로젝트 내부에서 사용하시는 부분을 그대로 사용하시고 아래 코드를 참고하셔서 연동 부분을 처리해주세요. 


파일 업로드에는 TABS Upload5를 사용하였습니다. 실제 ASP 연동부분 작업시에는 운영환경에서 사용하시던 업로드 컴포넌트를 그냥 사용하시면 됩니다Among the following codes provided as the guide, file upload part is a sample and has insufficient security.

As for the file upload, please use the code used within your project and refer the following code to handle the system link.


TABS Upload5 was used for the file upload. You may use the upload component you have been using for the actual linking with ASP.

Code Block
<%@ CodePage=65001 Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
    On Error Resume Next 
    UPLOAD_PATH = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\upload"
    Dim Upload, fileName
    '업로드를Create 처리할 오브젝트를 생성합니다an object to process the upload.
    Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("TABSUpload4.Upload")
    Upload.CodePage = 65001

    '업로드를Start the 시작합니다upload.
    Upload.Start "C:\TEMP"
    Upload.Save UPLOAD_PATH, False

    '저장된 파일 경로 (경로는 제외Path of the stored file (except the path)
    fileName = Upload.Form("file").ShortSaveName

    '결과를Return the result in json 형태로format
    Response.ContentType = "application/json"
    Response.write("{""uploadPath"":""/upload/" & fileName & """}")

2. Importing HWP, MS Word


or Excel

문서 임포트



가이드로 제공되는 아래 코드 중 파일 업로드 부분은 샘플 코드로서 보안 관련 처리가 미흡합니다.

파일 업로드 부분은 프로젝트 내부에서 사용하시는 부분을 그대로 사용하시고 아래 코드를 참고하셔서 연동 부분을 처리해주세요Among the following codes provided as the guide, file upload part is a sample and has insufficient security.

As for the file upload, please use the code used within your project and refer the following code to handle the system link. 


파일 업로드에는 TABS Upload5를 사용하였습니다. 실제 ASP 연동부분 작업시에는 운영환경에서 사용하시던 업로드 컴포넌트를 그냥 사용하시면 됩니다TABS Upload5 was used for the file upload. You may use the upload component you have been using for the actual linking with ASP.

Code Block
<%@ CodePage=65001 Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
    On Error Resume Next 
    CONVERTER = "C:\workspace\seimporter\sedocConverter\sedocConverter.exe"
    FONTS = "C:\workspace\seimporter\fonts"
    WORK = "C:\workspace\seimporter\tmp"
    UPLOAD_PATH = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\upload"
    Dim filePath, outputPath, uuid, relativeOutputPath

    Dim Upload
    '업로드를 처리할 오브젝트를 생성합니다Create an object to process the upload.
    Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("TABSUpload4.Upload")
    Upload.CodePage = 65001

    '업로드를Start the 시작합니다upload.
    Upload.Start "C:\TEMP"
    Upload.Save UPLOAD_PATH, False

    '저장된 파일 경로Path of the stored file (except the path)
    filePath = Upload.Form("file").SaveName

    'Generate UUID 생성 (unique path)
    uuid = CreateGUID()

    outputPath = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\output\" & uuid
    relativeOutputPath = "/output/" & uuid

    '문서변환Document conversion
    Dim wshShell, strCmd, result
    'Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
    strCmd = CONVERTER & " -pz -f " & FONTS & " """ & filePath & """ " & outputPath & " " & WORK 
    'result = wshShell.Run(strCmd, 0, true)
    result = Exec(strCmd, 1)

    If Not result = 0 Then
        Response.write "Error : " & result
        '변환이 완료되면 원본문서 삭제Delete the original document once the conversion is completed.
    End If

    Set wshShell = nothing
    Set Upload = Nothing

    'Serialize document.pb file 파일을and serialized해서transfer 전달it
    Dim binText
    binText = ReadBinaryFile(outputPath & "\" & "document.pb")

    'pb파일은 읽어들인 후 삭제Load and delete the pb file
    DeleteExistFile(outputPath & "\" & "document.pb")
    '결과를Return the result in json 형태로format
반환     Response.ContentType = "application/json"
    Response.write("{""importPath"":""" & relativeOutputPath & """, ""serializedData"":" & binText & "}")

    Function Exec(c, t)
        Dim s, e : Set s = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") : Set e = s.Exec(c)
        Do While e.Status = 0
            Call s.Run("waitfor /t 1 OneSecond", 0, True)
            t = t - 1
            If 0 >= t Then
            Call s.Run("taskkill /t /f /pid " & e.ProcessId, 0, True)
            Exit Do
            End If
        Set Exec = e
    End Function

    'Generate UUID (unique 생성path)
    Function CreateGUID()
        Dim tmpTemp
        tmpTemp = Right(String(4,48) & Year(Now()),4)
        tmpTemp = tmpTemp & Right(String(4,48) & Month(Now()),2)
        tmpTemp = tmpTemp & Right(String(4,48) & Day(Now()),2)
        tmpTemp = tmpTemp & Right(String(4,48) & Hour(Now()),2)
        tmpTemp = tmpTemp & Right(String(4,48) & Minute(Now()),2)
        tmpTemp = tmpTemp & Right(String(4,48) & Second(Now()),2)
        CreateGUID = tmpTemp
    End Function

    Function DeleteExistFile(filePath) 
        Dim fso, result 
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
        If fso.FileExists(filePath) Then 
            fso.DeleteFile(filePath) '파일이 존재하면 삭제합니다Delete the file if there is any. 
            result = 1 
            result = 0 
        End If 
        DeleteExistFile = result 
    End Function 

    Function ReadBinaryFile(FileName) 
        Const adTypeBinary = 1 
        Const adTypeText = 2
        'Create Stream object 
        Dim BinaryStream 
        Set BinaryStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") 
        Dim bin, str, cnt

        'Specify stream type - we want To get binary data. 
        BinaryStream.Type = adTypeBinary 

        'Open the stream 
        'Load the file data from disk To stream object 
        BinaryStream.Position = 0 'Set the stream position to the start
        BinaryStream.LoadFromFile FileName 

        cnt = 1
            bin = BinaryStream.Read(1024)

            if Not isNull(bin) then
                if cnt = 1 then
                    str = str & BinaryToString(bin, 17)
                    str = str & "," & BinaryToString(bin, 1)
                end if
                cnt = cnt + 1
            end if
        Loop While Not IsNull(bin)  
        ReadBinaryFile = "[" & str & "]"
        Set BinaryStream = Nothing
    End Function 

    Function BinaryToString(Binary, startPosition)
          'Antonin Foller,
          'Optimized version of a simple BinaryToString algorithm.
          Dim cl1, cl2, cl3, pl1, pl2, pl3
          Dim L
          cl1 = startPosition  '1 or 17
          cl2 = 1
          cl3 = 1
          L = LenB(Binary)
          Do While cl1<=L
            pl3 = pl3 & CStr(AscB(MidB(Binary,cl1,1)))
            If cl1 < L Then
                pl3 = pl3 & ","
            End if
            cl1 = cl1 + 1
            cl3 = cl3 + 1
            If cl3>300 Then
              pl2 = pl2 & pl3
              pl3 = ""
              cl3 = 1
              cl2 = cl2 + 1
              If cl2>200 Then
                pl1 = pl1 & pl2
                pl2 = ""
                cl2 = 1
              End If
            End If
          BinaryToString = pl1 & pl2 & pl3
    End Function


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