Please check the Installation Guide and API Guide to easily apply SynapEditor to your service.
Various plugins such as Personal Data Protection and Web Spell Check will allow you to create quality contents in HTML.
Installation and Configuration
- Installation
- Configuration
- Installing Import Server
- Color Icon
- Creating Custom Plugin
- Formula Editor
- Horizontal Line Extension
- Personal Information Protection
- Photo Editor
- Quote Extension
- Shape Editor
- Special Character/Emoji
- Spell Check
- Web Accessibility Check
External Module
- Actions
- command - blurIme
- command - clearSelection
- command - disableIme
- command - documentEnd
- command - documentStart
- command - down
- command - enableIme
- command - extendCol
- command - extendDocumentEnd
- command - extendDocumentStart
- command - extendDown
- command - extendLeft
- command - extendLineEnd
- command - extendLineStart
- command - extendNextParagraphStart
- command - extendNextWord
- command - extendPageDown
- command - extendPageUp
- command - extendPreviousParagraphStart
- command - extendPreviousWord
- command - extendRight
- command - extendRow
- command - extendTable
- command - extendUp
- command - focusIme
- command - left
- command - lineEnd
- command - lineStart
- command - nextParagraphStart
- command - nextWord
- command - pageDown
- command - pageUp
- command - previousParagraphStart
- command - previousWord
- command - right
- command - selectAll
- command - selectParagraph
- command - selectWord
- command - setCaret
- command - setCaretById
- command - setSelection
- command - setSelectionByHTMLElement
- command - up
- command - addRunStyle
- command - bold
- command - copyRunStyle
- command - decreaseFontSize
- command - deleteLeft
- command - deleteRight
- command - enter
- command - fill
- command - fontName
- command - fontSize
- command - increaseFontSize
- command - insertLineBreak
- command - insertText
- command - italic
- command - lowerCase
- command - pasteRunStyle
- command - removeTextStyle
- command - replaceText
- command - replaceTextByIndex
- command - setTextVertAlign
- command - strike
- command - tab
- command - textFill
- command - titleCase
- command - toggleCase
- command - underline
- command - untab
- command - upperCase
- command - addParagraphProperties
- command - align
- command - decreaseIndent
- command - decreaseQuote
- command - increaseIndent
- command - increaseQuote
- command - setBulletList
- command - setLineHeight
- command - setListStartValue
- command - setMultiList
- command - setNumberedList
- command - setParaTagName
- command - toggleList
- command - changeDrawingObjectProperties
- command - insertDrawingObject
- command - insertDrawingObjectAlt
- command - insertDrawingObjectByURL
- command - insertDrawingObjectCaption
- command - moveAbsolutePositionDrawingObject
- command - moveDrawingObject
- command - removeDrawingObject
- command - resizeDrawingObject
- command - rotateDrawingObjectLeft
- command - rotateDrawingObjectRight
- command - setDrawingObjectBackground
- command - setDrawingObjectBorderColor
- command - setDrawingObjectBorderStyle
- command - setDrawingObjectBorderWidth
- command - zoomDrawingObject
- command - cellBackground
- command - cellSizeEqual
- command - cellVerticalAlign
- command - columnWidthEqual
- command - deleteCol
- command - deleteRow
- command - deleteTable
- command - fitTableWidth
- command - insertCol
- command - insertRow
- command - insertTable
- command - mergeCell
- command - resizeTable
- command - rowHeightEqual
- command - setBorderColor
- command - setBorderStyle
- command - setBorderWidth
- command - setCellProperties
- command - setFormula
- command - setTableProperties
- command - splitCell
- UI
- command - blockUI
- command - hideAllPopup
- command - hideDimLayer
- command - hideLoadingProgress
- command - showDimLayer
- command - showLoadingProgress
- command - toggleCodeView
- command - toggleDivGuide (deprecated)
- command - toggleDrawMode
- command - toggleFullScreen
- command - toggleGuide
- command - toggleMenu
- command - togglePreview
- command - toggleRuler
- command - unblockUI
- Editor Object
- addUploadPath
- clearDirty
- downloadAndUploadImages
- execCommand
- getAPIModelById
- getAPIModels
- getAPIModelsBySelector
- getBodyModelJSON
- getContentsDocument
- getHTMLElement
- getHTMLElements
- getPublishingHtml
- getSelection
- getTableCellDataByFieldName
- getTableCellHTMLElement
- getText
- getTextByRegex
- getTextBySelectors
- getTextContent
- getUploadedFiles
- insertHTML
- isCodeViewMode
- isDirty
- isEdited
- isEditMode
- isEmpty
- isPreviewMode
- openDocumentByURL
- openDocumentOnServer
- openHTML
- openSEModel
- render
- setContentsToPaste
- setCustomUploadFunction
- setLock
- setMode
- setText
- setTextBySelectors
- setUnlock
- static: addIcons
- static: addMessages
- static: getIcons
- static: getMessages
- updateBodyModel
- updateModel
- uploadBase64Images
- Events
- Utilizing APIs
- APIModel
- Java Spring Framework Example
- Java Servlet Example
- ASP.NET (C#) Example
- ASP(Classic) Example
- PHP Example
- PHP4 Example
- Django Example
- Ruby On Rails Example
- Wordpress plugin Example